BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developMerge branch 'develop'David Phillips8 years
masterMerge branch 'develop'David Phillips8 years
2.0petrichor-2.0.tar.xz  David Phillips8 years
1.1petrichor-1.1.tar.xz  David Phillips8 years
1.0petrichor-1.0.tar.xz  David Phillips9 years
0-betapetrichor-0-beta.tar.xz  David Phillips9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2016-11-03Merge branch 'develop'1.1David Phillips
2016-11-03Increase size of time+dateDavid Phillips
2016-11-03Add slight text shadow on timeDavid Phillips
2016-11-03Merge branch 'develop'David Phillips
2016-03-15Merge branch 'power-message' into developDavid Phillips
2016-03-15Stop (initial) left padding of ul throwing it off centreDavid Phillips
2016-03-15Add centred text on power off screenDavid Phillips
2016-03-15Merge branch 'release' into developDavid Phillips
2016-03-15Remove references to non-existent 'button' classDavid Phillips
2016-03-14Merge branch 'release'1.0David Phillips