BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developMerge branch 'develop'David Phillips8 years
masterMerge branch 'develop'David Phillips8 years
2.0petrichor-2.0.tar.xz  David Phillips8 years
1.1petrichor-1.1.tar.xz  David Phillips8 years
1.0petrichor-1.0.tar.xz  David Phillips9 years
0-betapetrichor-0-beta.tar.xz  David Phillips9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2016-03-07Add makefile to ease installation0-betaDavid Phillips
2016-03-07Add readme from sighup's petrichor pageDavid Phillips
2016-03-06Underscores suckDavid Phillips
2016-03-06Make session selector translucent until hoverDavid Phillips
2016-03-06Added gitignoreDavid Phillips
2016-03-06Add basic session detection and selectionDavid Phillips
2016-02-19Fixed lingering reference to div.userDavid Phillips
2016-02-19Misc css tidying, corrected closing tag in jsDavid Phillips
2016-02-19Merge remote-tracking branch 'dfryer1193/master' into HEADDavid Phillips
2016-02-18Add CSS to make users in list matchDavid Fryer