path: root/textvga.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'textvga.asm')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/textvga.asm b/textvga.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f42e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textvga.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;; Print text onto the text screen
+ pop ax
+ pop si
+ push ax
+ mov ax, 0xB800 ; Load AX with the VGA segment
+ mov es, ax ; and then ES
+ mov di, [VGAMemPointer] ; Load DI with VGA memory pointer
+ lodsb ; Load a byte from the string into AL
+ or al, al ; Do a byte comarison on the char
+ jz .Quit ; Exit the function if it's a null
+ cmp al, 1 ; Check to see if it's a colour control char
+ jz .SetColour ; If so, jump to handle it
+ cmp al, 13d ; Is the byte a CR?
+ jz .cr ; if so, jump
+ cmp al, 10d ; Is the byte a LF?
+ jz .lf ; Jump if it is
+ stosb ; Store the byte in memory. This happens if it's not a control char
+ mov al, [CharColour] ; Load the current char colour
+ stosb ; Store the char colour in the byte after the character
+ jmp short .loop ; Loop
+ add di, 160d ; Add 160 to the byte pointer, thus moving the pointer down one line
+ jmp short .loop ; Jump back to top of the loop
+ mov ax, di ; Move our current position/pointer into AX
+ mov di, 160d ; Load DI with 160 (# of bytes per line)
+ div di ; AX = AX / DI and DX = remainder
+ mul di ; AX = AX * DI
+ mov di, ax ; So now AX has been divided and had the remainder chopped off in doing so
+ jmp short .loop ; and is now multiplied back, so the pointer is now at the start of current line
+ lodsb ; Load the byte
+ mov [CharColour], al ; Set the CharColour to that byte
+ jmp short .loop ; Go back to top of loop
+ mov [VGAMemPointer], di ; Move the updated cursor position into VGAMemPointer
+ ret ; Return to where this function was called
+;; Clear the text screen
+ push ax ; push our registers used
+ push cx
+ push di
+ push es
+ mov ax, 0xB800 ; Load AX with the VGA segment
+ mov es, ax ; And then load ES with AX
+ xor di, di ; Set our reading pointer to the base of the segment
+ mov cx, 0x7D0 ; We'll be looping 2000 times
+ mov al, 0x20 ; Load AL with character to clear address with
+ stosb ; Store our byte
+ mov al, [CharColour] ;
+ stosb ;
+ loop .loop ; Loop
+ xor ax, ax ; Zero-out AX
+ mov [VGAMemPointer], ax ; Load nulled-out AX into pointer
+ pop es
+ pop di
+ pop cx
+ pop ax ; pop registers we used back off stack
+ ret
+;; Set the cursor position
+ push ax ; Push our registers
+ push bx ;
+ mov ah, 2 ; Subfunction 2 - set cursor pos.
+ xor bh, bh ; clear BH
+ int 0x10 ; Int 10.02 - set cursor position
+ pop bx ; Pop registers back off stack
+ pop ax ;
+ ret
+;; Convert decimal in dx to string in NumberBuffer
+ std
+ pop dx
+ mov cx, 0x5
+ lea di, [NumberBuffer + 4]
+ mov ax, dx
+ mov dx, 10d
+ div dl
+ mov dl, al
+ mov al, ah
+ add al, 0x30
+ stosb
+ loop .loop
+ cld
+ ret
+;; Convert he value in al to string in HexNumberBuffer
+ mov di, HexNumberBuffer
+ xor ah, ah ; zero-out ah so shifiting doesn't cause bits of ah to come into al
+ push ax ; save AL
+ shr al, 4 ; Shift AL along 4 bits
+ add al, 48d ; add 48 onto it
+ cmp al, 57d ; see if it's > 9
+ jg .letter
+ stosb
+ pop ax
+ shl al, 4
+ shr al, 4
+ add al, 48d
+ cmp al, 57d
+ jg .letter_last_digit
+ stosb
+ ret
+ add ax, 7d
+ jmp .return
+ add ax, 7d
+ stosb
+ jmp .quit
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \ No newline at end of file