path: root/jasposkernel.asm
diff options
authorDavid <dbphillipsnz@gmail.com>2013-07-19 11:53:18 +1200
committerDavid <dbphillipsnz@gmail.com>2013-07-19 11:53:18 +1200
commit9bfb5f5468331949c6a9f9b3e0590e481dd6492e (patch)
tree2740732d4372d34e451d7ff99d0de50181327508 /jasposkernel.asm
parent3155f0ec7fb015225c6ae42f782b8c25f2d79f88 (diff)
Added 'Emergency Shell', started work on basic disk I/O
Diffstat (limited to 'jasposkernel.asm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/jasposkernel.asm b/jasposkernel.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc7dbc..0000000
--- a/jasposkernel.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ss, ax
- ;mov esp, 0x7FFFF
- mov sp, 0xFFFE
- call ClearScreen ; Clear the screen
- mov [Drive], dl ; Get the drive we booted from before we go and mess with dl
- push msgJasposSplash ;
- call OutText ;
- call GetKey ;
- call diskio_ResetDiskSystem
- call diskio_ResetDiskSystem
- call diskio_ResetDiskSystem
- call diskio_DumpBootSector
- call GetKey
- call apm_ConnectInterface ;
- call apm_PowerOff ;
- jmp short Halt
- xor ax, ax ; Zero-out EAX
- int 0x16 ; Int 16.00 - wait for keypress
- ret ; Return
- xor ax, ax ; Zero-out AX
- int 0x16 ; Int 16.00 - wait for keypress
- jmp Halt ; Loop
- push cx ; Push the registers we'll be messing with
- push ax ;
- push di ;
- mov al, '0' ; AL = "0" - char to fill buffer with
- mov cx, 5 ; write 0 six times
- mov di, NumberBuffer ; Destination is NumberBuffer
- rep stosb ; Store the byte AL CX times
- pop di ; Pop our regisers back off the stack
- pop ax ;
- pop cx ;
- ret
- pop ax
- pop si
- push ax
- cld
- mov di, diskio_SectorBuffer
- mov cx, 16
- rep movsb
- push msgFile
- call OutText
- push diskio_SectorBuffer
- call OutText
- mov di, diskio_SectorBuffer
- mov cx, 16
- rep movsb
- push msgAuthor
- call OutText
- push diskio_SectorBuffer
- call OutText
- ret
-%include "Kernel/textvga.asm"
-%include "Kernel/apm.asm"
-%include "Kernel/strings.asm"
-%include "Kernel/diskio.asm" \ No newline at end of file