path: root/saxrobot
diff options
authorDavid Phillips <david@sighup.nz>2017-03-18 21:12:22 +1300
committerDavid Phillips <david@sighup.nz>2017-03-18 21:12:22 +1300
commit3754d526466a12a6735e94c7fc692b0d00e1207d (patch)
treefd2b75fd0467de66e36afeddd2f92f40f774de15 /saxrobot
parent58b197bdf49ab078d5f4f59bb84124f6ebe6b7b7 (diff)
Rename saxrobot->idalius
Diffstat (limited to 'saxrobot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/saxrobot b/saxrobot
deleted file mode 100755
index f72a95b..0000000
--- a/saxrobot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use POSIX qw(setuid setgid);
-use POE;
-use POE::Kernel;
-use POE::Component::IRC;
-use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID;
-use sb_config;
-my %config = sb_config::parse_config('bot.conf');
-my $current_nick = $config{nick};
-# New PoCo-IRC object
-my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
- UseSSL => $config{usessl},
- nick => $config{nick},
- ircname => $config{ircname},
- port => $config{port},
- server => $config{server},
- username => $config{username},
-) or die "Failed to create new PoCo-IRC: $!";
-# Plugins
-$irc->plugin_add('NickServID', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID->new(
- Password => $config{password}
- package_states => [
- main => [ qw(_default _start irc_001 irc_kick irc_public irc_msg irc_nick) ],
- ],
- heap => { irc => $irc },
-sub drop_priv {
- setgid($config{gid}) or die "Failed to setgid: $!\n";
- setuid($config{uid}) or die "Failed to setuid: $!\n";
-sub _start {
- my $heap = $_[HEAP];
- my $irc = $heap->{irc};
- $irc->yield(register => 'all');
- $irc->yield(connect => { });
- return;
-sub irc_001 {
- my $sender = $_[SENDER];
- my $irc = $sender->get_heap();
- print "Connected to server ", $irc->server_name(), "\n";
- $irc->yield( join => $_ ) for @{$config{channels}};
- return;
-sub irc_nick {
- my ($who, $new_nick) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG1];
- my $oldnick = (split /!/, $who)[0];
- if ($oldnick eq $current_nick) {
- $current_nick = $new_nick;
- }
- return;
-sub irc_kick {
- my ($kicker, $channel, $kickee, $reason) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG3];
- if ($kickee eq $current_nick) {
- print "I was kicked by $kicker ($reason). Rejoining now.\n";
- $irc->yield(join => $channel);
- }
- return;
-sub irc_public {
- my ($sender, $who, $where, $what) = @_[SENDER, ARG0 .. ARG2];
- my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0];
- my $channel = $where->[0];
- print("$channel $who: $what\n");
- # reject ignored nicks first
- return if (grep {$_ eq $nick} @{$config{ignore}});
- my $me = $irc->nick_name;
- my $collected_response = "";
- my @expressions = (keys %{$config{triggers}});
- my $expression = join '|', @expressions;
- while ($what =~ /($expression)/gi) {
- my $matched = $1;
- my $key;
- # figure out which key matched
- foreach (@expressions) {
- if ($matched =~ /$_/i) {
- $key = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- $collected_response .= $config{triggers}->{$key};
- }
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $channel => $collected_response) if $collected_response;
- return;
-sub irc_msg {
- my ($who, $to, $what, $ided) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG3];
- my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0];
- if ($config{must_id} && $ided != 1) {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "You must identify with services");
- return;
- }
- if (!grep {$_ eq $who} @{$config{admins}}) {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "I am bot, go away");
- return;
- }
- if ($what =~ /^nick\s/) {
- my ($channel) = $what =~ /^nick\s+(\S+)$/;
- if ($channel) {
- $irc->yield(nick => $channel);
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "Syntax: nick <nick>");
- }
- }
- if ($what =~ /^part\s/) {
- my $message;
- if ($what =~ /^part(\s+(\S+))+$/m) {
- $what =~ s/^part\s+//;
- my ($chan_str, $reason) = split /\s+(?!#)/, $what, 2;
- my @channels = split /\s+/, $chan_str;
- $irc->yield(part => @channels => $reason);
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "Syntax: part <channel1> [channel2 ...] [partmsg]");
- }
- }
- if ($what =~ /^join\s/) {
- if ($what =~ /^join(\s+(\S+))+$/) {
- $what =~ s/^join\s+//;
- my @channels = split /\s+/, $what;
- $irc->yield(join => $_) for @channels;
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "Syntax: join <channel1> [channel2 ...]");
- }
- }
- if ($what =~ /^say\s/) {
- my ($channel, $message) = $what =~ /^say\s+(\S+)\s(.*)$/;
- if ($channel and $message) {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $channel => $message);
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => "Syntax: say <channel> <msg>");
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _default {
- my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_];
- my @output = ( "$event: " );
- for my $arg (@$args) {
- if ( ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- push( @output, '[' . join(', ', @$arg ) . ']' );
- }
- else {
- push ( @output, "'$arg'" );
- }
- }
- print join ' ', @output, "\n";
- return;