diff options
authorDavid Phillips <david@yeah.nah.nz>2019-01-05 16:19:55 +1300
committerDavid Phillips <david@yeah.nah.nz>2019-01-05 16:20:35 +1300
commit50d5e664e8fa21252b760bd54dd4a025d3f06585 (patch)
parent6d6c86b0cd6ad63ed0cf784de5b7faf996a699b8 (diff)
URL_Title: add direct command
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Plugin/URL_Title.pm b/Plugin/URL_Title.pm
index c5c10d0..19b7437 100644
--- a/Plugin/URL_Title.pm
+++ b/Plugin/URL_Title.pm
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ sub configure {
IdaliusConfig::assert_scalar($config, $self, "url_len");
die "url_len must be positive" if $config->{url_len} <= 0;
+ $cmdref->($self, "title of", sub { $self->get_title_cmd(@_); });
return $self;
@@ -33,16 +35,16 @@ sub start_handler
-sub on_message
+sub get_title
- my ($self, $logger, $who, $where, $raw_what, $what, $irc) = @_;
+ my ($what) = @_;
my $url;
# Drawn from RFC 3986Β§2
if ($what =~ /(https?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-\._~:\/\?#\[\]@\!\$&'()\*\+,;=%]+)/i) {
$url = $1;
- return unless $url;
+ return (undef, "No URL found in that string") unless $url;
# FIXME add more XML-based formats that we can theoretically extract titles from
# FIXME factor out accepted formats and response match into accepted formats array
@@ -51,18 +53,16 @@ sub on_message
my $response = $http->get($url);
if (!$response->{success}) {
- $logger->("Something broke: $response->{reason}");
- return;
+ chomp $response->{content};
+ return (undef, "Error: HTTP client: $response->{reason} ($response->{content})");
if (not $response->{headers}->{"content-type"}) {
- $logger->("No content-type in reponse header, not continuing");
- return;
+ return (undef, "No content-type in reponse header, not continuing");
if (!($response->{headers}->{"content-type"} =~ m,(text/html|image/svg\+xml),)) {
- $logger->("I don't think I can parse titles from $response->{headers}->{'content-type'} - stopping here");
- return;
+ return (undef, "I don't think I can parse titles from $response->{headers}->{'content-type'} - stopping here");
my $html = $response->{content};
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ sub on_message
my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
$p->handler( start => \&start_handler, "tagname,self");
- $logger->("Error parsing HTML: $!") if $!;
+ return (undef, "Error parsing HTML: $!") if $!;
$title =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$title =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
- return unless $title;
+ return (undef, "Error: No title") unless $title;
my $shorturl = $url;
# remove http(s):// to avoid triggering other poorly configured bots
@@ -92,6 +92,28 @@ sub on_message
return $composed_title;
+sub get_title_cmd
+ my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_;
+ my ($title, $error) = get_title($rest);
+ $logger->($error) if $error;
+ return $error if $error;
+ return $title if $title;
+sub on_message
+ my ($self, $logger, $who, $where, $raw_what, $what, $irc) = @_;
+ my ($title, $error) = get_title($what);
+ $logger->($error) if $error;
+ return $title if $title;
sub on_action {