#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lex.h" #include "parse.h" #include "instruction.h" #include "util.h" static const char *filename; static FILE *fd; static struct token *cursor; static struct token *tokens; static size_t tokens_pos; static size_t tokens_count; static struct label *labels; static size_t labels_count; static struct instruction *insts; static size_t insts_count; static size_t byte_offset; void emit(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); if (cursor) { fprintf(stderr, "%s at (%zd,%zd): ", filename, cursor->line, cursor->column); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); indicate_file_area(fd, cursor->line, cursor->column, cursor->span); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", filename); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); } va_end(args); } #define EXPECT_AND_DISCARD_CRITICAL(type)\ do { \ EXPECT_CRITICAL(type) \ kerchunk(); \ } while (0); #define EXPECT_CRITICAL(type)\ if (expect(type)) { \ return 1; \ } static int expect(enum TOKEN_TYPE e) { const char *expected_desc = "(internal error)"; const char *observed_desc = "(internal error)"; if (!cursor || cursor->type != e) { expected_desc = get_token_description(e); if (cursor) { observed_desc = get_token_description(cursor->type); } else { observed_desc = "end of file"; } emit("Error: Expected %s, got %s\n", expected_desc, observed_desc); return 1; } return 0; } void kerchunk() { if (tokens_pos < tokens_count - 1) { cursor = &tokens[++tokens_pos]; } else { cursor = NULL; } } int parse_eol(void) { EXPECT_AND_DISCARD_CRITICAL(TOKEN_EOL); return 0; } int parse_comma(void) { EXPECT_AND_DISCARD_CRITICAL(TOKEN_COMMA); return 0; } int parse_imm(uint16_t *imm) { EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_NUMERIC); *imm = cursor->i_val; kerchunk(); return 0; } int parse_ident(char **ident) { EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_IDENT); *ident = cursor->s_val; kerchunk(); return 0; } /** * FIXME move */ int add_instruction(struct instruction inst) { struct instruction *old_insts = insts; insts = realloc(insts, (insts_count + 1) * sizeof(struct instruction)); if (!insts) { free(old_insts); perror("realloc"); return 1; } insts[insts_count] = inst; insts_count++; return 0; } int new_label(struct label *dest, const char *name) { char *name_clone = strdup(name); if (!name_clone) { perror("strdup"); return 1; } dest->name = name_clone; dest->byte_offset = byte_offset; return 0; } void destroy_label(struct label *l) { free(l->name); } /**/ int parse_label() { size_t i = 0; struct label l; struct label *old_labels = labels; EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_LABEL); for (i = 0; i < labels_count; i++) { if (strcmp(labels[i].name, cursor->s_val) == 0) { emit("Error: duplicate label\n"); return 1; } } labels = realloc(labels, (labels_count + 1) * sizeof(struct label)); if (!labels) { perror("realloc"); free(old_labels); return 1; } if (new_label(&l, cursor->s_val)) return 1; labels[labels_count] = l; labels_count++; kerchunk(); return 0; } int parse_reg(enum REG *reg) { EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_REGISTER); if (get_reg_from_asm(cursor->s_val, reg)) { emit("Error: Unknown register\n"); return 1; } kerchunk(); return 0; } int parse_i_type(enum OPER oper, enum REG dest, enum REG left, uint16_t imm) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_NI; i.inst.i.oper = oper; i.inst.i.dest = dest; i.inst.i.left = left; i.inst.i.imm_is_ident = false; i.inst.i.imm.value = imm; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; /* FIXME detect narrow/wide */ byte_offset += NITYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_i_ident_type(enum OPER oper, enum REG dest, enum REG left, char *ident) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_NI; i.inst.i.oper = oper; i.inst.i.dest = dest; i.inst.i.left = left; i.inst.i.imm_is_ident = true; i.inst.i.imm.label = ident; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; /* FIXME detect narrow/wide */ byte_offset += NITYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_r_type(enum OPER oper, enum REG dest, enum REG left, enum REG right) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_R; i.inst.r.oper = oper; i.inst.r.dest = dest; i.inst.r.left = left; i.inst.r.right = right; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += RTYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_j_reg_type(enum JCOND cond, enum REG reg) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_JR; i.inst.jr.cond = cond; i.inst.jr.reg = reg; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += JRTYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_j_imm_type(enum JCOND cond, uint16_t imm) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_JI; i.inst.ji.cond = cond; i.inst.ji.imm_is_ident = false; i.inst.ji.imm.value = imm; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += JITYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_j_ident_type(enum JCOND cond, char *ident) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_JI; i.inst.ji.cond = cond; i.inst.ji.imm_is_ident = true; i.inst.ji.imm.label = ident; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += JITYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_b_imm_type(enum JCOND cond, int16_t imm) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_B; i.inst.b.cond = cond; i.inst.b.imm_is_ident = false; i.inst.b.imm.value = imm; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += BTYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_b_ident_type(enum JCOND cond, char *ident) { struct instruction i; i.type = INST_TYPE_B; i.inst.b.cond = cond; i.inst.b.imm_is_ident = true; i.inst.b.imm.label = ident; if (add_instruction(i)) return 1; byte_offset += BTYPE_SIZE_BYTES; return 0; } int parse_instruction(void) { enum REG reg_left; enum REG reg_right; enum REG reg; uint16_t imm; char *ident = NULL; /** * Based on the operands in assembly, instructions fall into 6 categories: * * REG, REG, REG (verbose R-Type) * REG, REG, IMM (verbose I-Type) * REG, REG (terse R-type (alias), e.g. `ld $2, $3`) * REG, IMM (terse I-Type (alias), e.g. `ldi $2, 100`) * REG (very terse R-type (alias), e.g. `not $2`, OR J-Type) * IMM j-type * (none) (e.g. `nop` (virtual)) */ /* Special cases: catch alias instructions first */ if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "nop") == 0) { /* `nop` => `add $0,$0,$0` */ kerchunk(); if (parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_r_type(OPER_ADD, REG_0, REG_0, REG_0); } else if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "not") == 0) { /* `not $1` => `xor $1, $1, $H` */ kerchunk(); if (parse_reg(®) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_r_type(OPER_XOR, reg, reg, REG_H); } else if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "neg") == 0) { /* `neg $1` => `sub $1, $0, $1` */ kerchunk(); if (parse_reg(®) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_r_type(OPER_SUB, reg, REG_0, reg); } else if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "mv") == 0) { /* `mv $1,$2` => `add $1,$2,$0` */ kerchunk(); if (parse_reg(®_left) || parse_comma() || parse_reg(®_right) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_r_type(OPER_ADD, reg_left, reg_right, REG_0); } else if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "ldi") == 0) { /* `ldi $1,1234` => `addi $1,$0,1234` */ kerchunk(); if (parse_reg(®) || parse_comma()) return 1; switch (cursor->type) { case TOKEN_NUMERIC: if (parse_imm(&imm) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_i_type(OPER_ADD, reg, REG_0, imm); case TOKEN_IDENT: if (parse_ident(&ident) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_i_ident_type(OPER_ADD, reg, REG_0, ident); default: emit("Error: Expected numeric literal or identifier, got %s\n", get_token_description(cursor->type)); return 1; } } /* fallthrough: cursor is *not* pointing at an alias instruction, we can * parse it like normal */ enum OPER op; if (get_oper_from_asm(cursor->s_val, &op) == 0) { kerchunk(); if ( parse_reg(®) || parse_comma() || parse_reg(®_left) || parse_comma() || parse_reg(®_right) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_r_type(op, reg, reg_left, reg_right); } if (cursor->s_val[strlen(cursor->s_val) - 1] == 'i') { /* temporarily remove 'i' from end */ cursor->s_val[strlen(cursor->s_val) - 1] = '\0'; if ((get_oper_from_asm(cursor->s_val, &op)) == 0) { kerchunk(); if ( parse_reg(®) || parse_comma() || parse_reg(®_left) || parse_comma()) return 1; switch (cursor->type) { case TOKEN_NUMERIC: if (parse_imm(&imm) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_i_type(op, reg, reg_left, imm); case TOKEN_IDENT: if (parse_ident(&ident) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_i_ident_type(op, reg, reg_left, ident); default: emit("Error: Expected numeric literal or identifier, got %s\n", get_token_description(cursor->type)); return 1; } } /* fallthrough: pop it back on, we might need it */ cursor->s_val[strlen(cursor->s_val)] = 'i'; } enum JCOND cond; if (get_j_from_asm(cursor->s_val, &cond) == 0) { kerchunk(); switch (cursor->type) { case TOKEN_REGISTER: if (parse_reg(®) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_j_reg_type(cond, reg); case TOKEN_NUMERIC: if (parse_imm(&imm) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_j_imm_type(cond, imm); case TOKEN_IDENT: if (parse_ident(&ident) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_j_ident_type(cond, ident); default: emit("Error: Expected register, numeric literal, or identifier, got %s\n", get_token_description(cursor->type)); return 1; } } if (get_b_from_asm(cursor->s_val, &cond) == 0) { kerchunk(); switch (cursor->type) { case TOKEN_NUMERIC: if (parse_imm(&imm) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_b_imm_type(cond, imm); case TOKEN_IDENT: if (parse_ident(&ident) || parse_eol()) return 1; return parse_b_ident_type(cond, ident); default: emit("Error: Expected numeric literal, or identifier, got %s\n", get_token_description(cursor->type)); return 1; } } emit("Unhandled instruction %s\n", cursor->s_val); return 1; } int parse(const char *filename_local, FILE* fd_local, struct label **labels_local, size_t *labels_count_local, struct token *tokens_local, size_t tokens_count_local, struct instruction **instructions, size_t *instructions_count) { int ret = 0; size_t i = 0; filename = filename_local; fd = fd_local; tokens = tokens_local; tokens_pos = 0; tokens_count = tokens_count_local; labels_count = 0; insts_count = 0; byte_offset = 0; cursor = tokens; while (cursor) { switch(cursor->type) { case TOKEN_EOL: kerchunk(); break; case TOKEN_DOT: /* parse directive */ kerchunk(); EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_KEYWORD); if (strcmp(cursor->s_val, "base") == 0) { kerchunk(); EXPECT_CRITICAL(TOKEN_NUMERIC); emit("FIXME ignoring base address 0x%04x (%d)\n", cursor->i_val, cursor->i_val); } EXPECT_AND_DISCARD_CRITICAL(TOKEN_EOL); break; case TOKEN_LABEL: if (parse_label()) return 1; break; case TOKEN_IDENT: if (parse_instruction()) return 1; break; case TOKEN_KEYWORD: /* FIXME parse declare bytes etc */ kerchunk(); kerchunk(); kerchunk(); break; default: emit("Error: Unhandled %s\n", get_token_description(cursor->type)); return 1; } } *instructions = insts; *instructions_count = insts_count; *labels_local = labels; *labels_count_local = labels_count; return ret; }