#!/bin/sh set -e key="$(mktemp)" stderr="$(mktemp)" # Four character search should be a < 1 second CPU burst for CI runner ./sand-leek -s site > $key 2>$stderr found="$(tr '\r' '\n' < $stderr | grep Found | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" echo "sand-leek says it found $found..." # Trick adapted to py3 from https://swehack.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&p=6978 real="$( \ openssl rsa -in $key -pubout -outform DER \ | tail -c +23 \ | shasum \ | head -c 20 \ | python -c "import base64,sys,codecs; print(base64.b32encode(codecs.decode(sys.stdin.readline().strip('\n'), 'hex')).decode().lower())").onion" echo "Key analysis shows it's for ${real}" if [ "$found" == "$real" ] ; then echo "It's a match, I'm happy" rm $key rm $stderr exit 0 else echo "Error: No match" exit 1 fi