# pgm-interlace Vertically interlace *n* PGM frames, each one *height/n* pixels in width into one square image with a width the same as the height. By example, it would take two 2x4 images: Image A: 0 1 1 A B 2 C D 3 E F 4 G H Image B: 0 1 1 I J 2 K L 3 M N 4 O P combining them into one single 4x4 image from the command `pgm-interlace imageA imageB` 0 1 2 3 0 A I B J 1 C K D L 2 E M F N 3 G O H P The order in which the frames are specified on the command line is critical for the reconstruction of the image. pgm-interlace has no way of telling in which order a handful of pgm frames should be interlaced unless you tell it how to stitch them together.