/************************************************************************ * This file is part of trayfreq-archlinux. * * * * trayfreq-archlinux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * trayfreq-archlinux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with trayfreq-archlinux. If not, see * * . * ************************************************************************/ #include "trayfreq.h" void config_init() { struct config_file config; FILE* fd = NULL; gboolean home_config_exists; config.key_file = NULL; config.file_name = g_strconcat(getenv("HOME"), "/.trayfreq.conf", NULL); // Check if ~/.trayfreq.config exists if( (fd = fopen(config.file_name, "r")) ) { // If file exists, close it, set param to TRUE debug("Found '%s'\n",config.file_name); fclose(fd); home_config_exists = TRUE; } else { // If file didn't exist, it's not open (don't close it), free filename var, set param to FALSE debug("Didn't find '%s'\n",config.file_name); g_free(config.file_name); home_config_exists = FALSE; } if(!home_config_exists) config.file_name = g_strconcat("/usr/share/trayfreq/trayfreq.conf", NULL); gboolean success = config_open(&config); if(!success) { debug("Couldn't open '%s' for reading\n",config.file_name); g_warning(_("Failed to open config files!\n")); return; } // Reset defaults to default values defaults_init(); _DEFAULT_GOV = config_get_key(&config, "governor", "default"); _DEFAULT_FREQ = config_get_key(&config, "frequency", "default"); _DEFAULT_BAT_GOV = config_get_key(&config, "battery", "governor"); _DEFAULT_AC_GOV = config_get_key(&config, "ac", "governor"); char* temp = config_get_key(&config, "battery", "show"); if (temp) _DEFAULT_SHOW_BATTERY = ( temp[0] == '1' ); temp = config_get_key(&config, "extra", "sudo"); if (temp) { _DEFAULT_USE_SUDO = ( temp[0] == '1' ); debug("woo\n"); } debug("%s sudo\n",_DEFAULT_USE_SUDO? "Using" : "Not using"); g_free(config.file_name); config_close(&config); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("trayfreq","/usr/share/locale"); textdomain("trayfreq"); debug("Set gettext up\n"); if(!gtk_init_check(&argc, &argv)) { debug("Couldn't start gtk\n"); g_error( _("GTK Error: gtk_init_check returned FALSE.\nBailing.") ); return 1; } struct sigaction sig_act; sig_act.sa_handler = reload_config; sig_act.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sig_act.sa_mask); if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sig_act, NULL) == -1) { debug("WARN: Couldn't set sigaction for SIGUSR1\n"); } config_init(); gc_init(); gg_init(); gf_init(); tray_init(); tray_show(); // Show battery tray only if we're supposed to if(_DEFAULT_SHOW_BATTERY) { debug("Showing battery info this time around\n"); bat_tray_init(); bat_tray_show(); } debug("Passing control to Gtk\n"); gtk_main(); debug("Exiting main()\n"); return 0; }