/************************************************************************ * This file is part of trayfreq. * * * * trayfreq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * trayfreq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with trayfreq. If not, see . * ************************************************************************/ #include "getbat.h" #include #include #include #include gint BAT_NUM; gint MAX_CAPACITY; gint WARN_CAPACITY; gint LOW_CAPACITY; gchar INFO_PATH[30]; gchar STATE_PATH[30]; static gint get_bat_num() { FILE* fd; gchar file[30]; gint i; for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { memset(file, '\0', 30); sprintf(file, "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT%i/info", i); if((fd = fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) return i; } return -1; } static gint get_int(char* line) { char numbers[] = "1234567890"; char* first_num; first_num = strpbrk (line, numbers); if(first_num) return atoi(first_num); return 1; } static gint get_int_value_from_file(const gchar* path, const gchar* label, int label_size) { FILE* fd; gchar buff[100]; gint value; if(!(fd = fopen(path, "r"))) return -1; while(fgets(buff, 100, fd)!= NULL) { if(strncmp(label, buff, label_size) == 0) { value = get_int(buff); break; } } fclose(fd); return value; } static gboolean file_has_line(const gchar* path, const gchar* line) { FILE* fd; gchar buff[100]; if(!(fd = fopen(path, "r"))) return FALSE; while(fgets(buff, 100, fd) != NULL) { if(strstr(buff, line) != NULL) { fclose(fd); return TRUE; } } fclose(fd); return FALSE; } gboolean gb_init() { BAT_NUM = get_bat_num(); sprintf(INFO_PATH, "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT%i/info", gb_number()); sprintf(STATE_PATH, "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT%i/state", gb_number()); FILE* fd; gchar buff[100]; if(!(fd = fopen(INFO_PATH, "r"))) return FALSE; while(fgets(buff, 100, fd)!= NULL) { if(strncmp("last full capacity:", buff, 19) == 0) MAX_CAPACITY = get_int(buff); else if(strncmp("design capacity warning:", buff, 24) == 0) WARN_CAPACITY = get_int(buff); else if(strncmp("design capacity low:", buff, 20) == 0) LOW_CAPACITY = get_int(buff); else if(strncmp("present: no",buff, 27) == 0) return FALSE; } fclose(fd); return TRUE; } gint gb_current_capacity() { return get_int_value_from_file(STATE_PATH, "remaining capacity:", 19); } gint gb_current_rate() { return get_int_value_from_file(STATE_PATH, "present rate:", 13); } gboolean gb_discharging() { return file_has_line(STATE_PATH, "discharging"); } gboolean gb_charged() { return file_has_line(STATE_PATH, "charged"); } gboolean gb_charging() { if(!file_has_line(STATE_PATH, "discharging") && !file_has_line(STATE_PATH, "charged")) return TRUE; return FALSE; } gint gb_number() { return BAT_NUM; } gint gb_max_capacity() { return MAX_CAPACITY; } gint gb_warn_capacity() { return WARN_CAPACITY; } gint gb_low_capacity() { return LOW_CAPACITY; } gint gb_percent() { int percent, max_capacity; if ( (max_capacity = gb_max_capacity()) == 0 ) return 0; percent = (gb_current_capacity() * 100) / max_capacity; if (percent > 100) percent = 100; return percent; } void gb_discharge_time(gchar* time) { float ftime = (float)gb_current_capacity() / (float)gb_current_rate(); float minutes = ((float)ftime - (int)ftime) * (float)60; if(minutes < 10) sprintf(time, "%i:0%i", (int)ftime, (int)minutes); else sprintf(time, "%i:%i", (int)ftime, (int)minutes); } void gb_charge_time(gchar* time) { float ftime = ((float)gb_max_capacity() - (float)gb_current_capacity()) / (float)gb_current_rate(); float minutes = ((float)ftime - (int)ftime) * (float)60; if(minutes < 10) sprintf(time, "%i:0%i", (int)ftime, (int)minutes); else sprintf(time, "%i:%i", (int)ftime, (int)minutes); }