# Template/default config file for Paramano

## Uncomment to hide battery icon -- useful for desktop PCs
## Set to anything (or leave unset/commented out) to show battery icon
# show=0

## Name of the governor to use for all cores when on battery power
## Get a space-separated list of available governors from
## /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
# governor=powersave

## Governor to use for all core while on AC power
## Often set to a performance or non-power-saving governor
# governor=ondemand

## Governor to set all cores to when Paramano starts
# default=ondemand

## The frequency to set the CPU to when Paramano starts
## Get a space-separated list of available frequencies from
## /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
# default=800000

## If you're arty, you can put together your own theme and point Paramano to it
# theme=SHAREDIR/paramano/themes/some-theme/
