What? ===== This is a fork of trayfreq which is intended to work on modern Archlinux systems (it'll probably work on other systems too). Building ======== Due to KISS, I don't tend to use ./configure scripts for relatively small programs. Instead, it's up to the user to check they have the right libraries. The sort of parameters you might pass to a ./configure can instead be passed to make. Important Note -------------- Note that any parameters set here will be compiled into the programs. If you're installing to a temporary directory (e.g. building a package for a package manager) then don't set the prefix to the temporary directory as this will become hard-coded into the programs. Instead, set this when calling `make install`. Here's a list: * BINDIR to override default binary directory (`/usr/bin`) for trayfreq and trayfreq-set * PREFIX to prepend to BINDIR, LOCALE_DIR etc * LOCALE_DIR to override default of `/usr/share/locale` * SUDO to override default sudo program `/usr/bin/sudo` * MAKE to override default make program `make` * CC to override default compiler `gcc` * TRAYFREQ_SET to override default trayfreq-set program of `PREFIX/BINDIR/trayfreq-set` If you'd like a huge amount of debug information every time you run trayfreq or trayfreq-set, then set DEBUG to something, eg: make all DEBUG=yeah An example build line for a system with binaries in `/usr/bin`: make all Quick (extreme) example for nutty system with binaries at `/exec` and sudo `/exec/sodu`: make all BINDIR=/exec SUDO=/exec/sodu Installation ============ If you're using ArchLinux, just jump over to the AUR, download and unpack the tarball, `cd` to the newly unpacked folder and run `makepkg`. For all other systems, you'll probably be compiling from source. In that case, `make install` will install the package, making the assumption that: * Binaries (trayfreq, trayfreq-set) will go in `/usr/bin` * Locale directory starts at `/usr/share/locale` * Your sysconfdir is `/etc` (can't currently be changed) * You're installing to `/` In general, a plain `make install` should work if you're installing straight to `/`, i.e. you're not building a package or anything. If you *are* building a package or installing to a special dir, then you might want something like this: make install PREFIX=/path/to/package/temp/dir LOCALE_DIR=/usr/share/locale This will prefix **all** paths with `/path/to/package/temp/dir` while installing. LOCALE_DIR has to be overridden due to the stripping of `/usr/` from it when manually setting a prefix. **Check the command lines as they go past.** Now's the time to check that everything's going to go in the right place. ---------------------------------- Autostarting ------------ `make install` will copy a .desktop file to /etc/xdg/autostart, meaning that all xdg-compliant window managers should start it automatically when Bob logs in. Bob's WM starts these programs as root, thus he is fully able to change the governor. Alice uses a non-xdg-compliant WM (e.g. dwm) so trayfreq is run as the user `alice`. She doesn't have permission to write to the files under `/sys/` so trayfreq can't change the governor. Alice needs to make trayfreq run `trayfreq-set` through sudo. This can be done in the configuration file. Then, she also needs to give herself passwordless permission to run `trayfreq-set` through sudo: # ... (/etc/sudoers alice ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/trayfreq-set # ... Simple.