What? ===== This is a fork of trayfreq which is intended to work on modern Archlinux systems (it'll probably work on other systems too). Installation ============ The basic installation's standard: make install ---------------------------------- Autostarting ------------ `make install` will copy a .desktop file to /etc/xdg/autostart, meaning that all xdg-compliant window managers should start it automatically when Bob logs in. Bob's WM starts these programs as root, thus he is fully able to change the governor. Alice uses a non-xdg-compliant WM (e.g. dwm) so trayfreq is run as the user `alice`. She doesn't have permission to write to the files under `/sys/` so trayfreq can't change the governor. Alice needs to make trayfreq run `trayfreq-set` through sudo. This can be done in the configuration file. Then, she also needs to give herself passwordless permission to run `trayfreq-set` through sudo: # ... (/etc/sudoers alice ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/trayfreq-set # ... Simple.