msgAX db 13,10, "AX: ",0 msgBX db " BX: ",0 msgCX db " CX: ",0 msgDX db " DX: ",0 msgCS db 13,10, "CS: ",0 msgDS db " DS: ",0 msgES db " ES: ",0 msgSS db " SS: ",0 msgGS db 13,10, "GS: ",0 msgSI db " SI: ",0 msgDI db " DI: ",0 msgSP db " SP: ",0 msgBP db 13,10, "BP: ",0 msgPanic db 1,0x0C,"Kernel panic! Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!",13,10,1,0x0A,"Oh, just ignore him, here's the register dump you asked for:",1,0x07,0 ; Boot banner strings msgStackSize db "Stack Size: ",0 msgCompileDate db "Compiled: ",__DATE__," at ",__TIME__," UTC+12",13,10,0 msgDiskLabel db "Disk Label: ' '",13,10,0 msgVersion db "Version: ",JASPOS_VERSION,13,10,0 msgDrive db "Drive: ",0 msgLoading db 1,0x09,"J",1,0x0A,"a",1,0x0B,"s",1,0x0C,"p",1,0x0D,"o",1,0x0E,"s ",1,0x1F,"",1,0x07,0 msgPoolClosed db 1,0x0C,">",1,0x0A,"Stop saying the pool's closed!",1,0x0C,"<",1,0x07,0 msgHLine times(80) db 196d db 0 ; Status, misc and so on msgDone db "Done",13,10,0 msgSuccess db 1,0x0A,"Success",1,0x07,13,10,0 msgFailed db 1,0x0C,"Failed",1,0x07,13,10,0 msgFailedWithCode db 1,0x0C,"Failed",1,0x07," with error code: ",0 msgNewLine db 13,10,0 msg0x db "0x",0 ; Longer-term storage for jaspos_monitor_dispstring VGAMemPointer dw 0 CharColour db 7d ; power_msgConnecting db "Connecting APM Interface...",13,10,0 power_msgShutdown db "Powering-off...",13,10,0 power_ShutdownFailed db "Jaspos tried to power off, but it failed. Halted instead.",13,10,0 ; Tables, lookup tables and so on strutils_HexLookup db "0123456789ABCDEF" ;#### EMERGENCY SHELL #### msgEnteringShell db "Entering emergency shell...",13,10,0 msgPrompt db 1,0x0A,"Emergency Shell ",1,0x0E,"} ",1,0x07,0 msgShellHelp db "exit - quit and panic",13,10 db "version - show Jaspos version",13,10 db "compile date - show Jaspos compile date and time",13,10 db "off - power-off",13,10,0 cmdExit db "exit",0 cmdVersion db "version",0 cmdCompileDate db "compile date",0 cmdOff db "off",0 cmdHelp db "help",0 ;######################### b_per_s dw 512 ; 000Bh - Bytes per sector s_per_clu db 1 ; 000Dh - Sector per cluster s_b4_fat dw 1 ; 000Eh - Reserved sectors fats db 2 ; 0010h - FAT copies root_entries dw 0E0H ; 0011h - Root directory entries brSectorCount dw 2880 ; 0013h - Sectors in volume, < 32MB media db 240 ; 0015h - Media descriptor s_per_fat dw 9 ; 0016h - Sectors per FAT s_per_track dw 18 ; 0018h - Sectors per head/track heads dw 2 ; 001Ah - Heads per cylinder s_b4_part dd 0 ; 001Ch - Hidden sectors num_s dd 0 ; 0020h - Total number of sectors Drive dw 0 ; 0024h - Physical drive no.