#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(setuid setgid strftime); use POE; use POE::Kernel; use POE::Component::IRC; use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID; use IdaliusConfig; use Plugin qw/load_plugin/; use IRC::Utils qw(strip_color strip_formatting); my $ignore_suffix = "_yes_really_even_from_ignored_nicks"; my $config_file = "bot.conf"; my $config = IdaliusConfig::parse_config($config_file); my %laststrike = (); my $ping_delay = 300; my %commands = (); sub log_info { # FIXME direct to a log file instead of stdout my $stamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", localtime); print "$stamp | @_\n"; } Plugin::set_load_callback(\&module_loaded_callback); load_configure_all_plugins(); $| = 1; # New PoCo-IRC object my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn( UseSSL => $config->{_}->{usessl}, SSLCert => $config->{_}->{sslcert}, SSLKey => $config->{_}->{sslkey}, nick => $config->{_}->{nick}, ircname => $config->{_}->{ircname}, port => $config->{_}->{port}, server => $config->{_}->{server}, username => $config->{_}->{username}, ) or die "Failed to create new PoCo-IRC: $!"; # Plugins $config->{_}->{password} and $irc->plugin_add( 'NickServID', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID->new( Password => $config->{_}->{password} )); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ main => [ qw( _default _start irc_001 irc_302 irc_kick irc_ctcp_action irc_public irc_topic irc_ping irc_msg irc_join irc_part irc_invite irc_nick irc_disconnected irc_error irc_socketerr irc_delay_set irc_delay_removed custom_ping) ], ], heap => { irc => $irc }, ); drop_priv(); $poe_kernel->run(); ################################################################################ # Helpers and module framework sub load_configure_all_plugins { eval { for my $module (@{$config->{_}->{plugins}}) { Plugin::load_plugin(\&log_info, $config->{_}, $module); } 1; } or do { log_info "Error: failed to load module: $@"; die; }; } sub module_loaded_callback { my ($module) = @_; $module->configure( \®ister_command, \&run_command, $config->{$module}, $config->{_}); } sub module_is_enabled { my $module = $_[0]; return grep {$_ eq $module} @{$config->{_}->{active_plugins}}; } # Register a command name to a certain sub sub register_command { my ($owner, $command, $action) = @_; $command = lc $command; log_info "Registering command: $command (from $owner)"; $commands{$owner}{$command} = $action; } sub run_command { my ($command_string, $who, $where, $ided, $no_reenter) = @_; my @arguments; my $owner; my $command_verbatim; my $command; OUTER: for my $o (keys %commands) { next unless module_is_enabled($o); for my $c (keys %{$commands{$o}}) { if (($command_verbatim) = $command_string =~ m/^(\Q$c\E( |$))/i) { $command = lc $c; $owner = $o; last OUTER; } } } return "No such command" unless $command; my $rest = (split "\Q$command_verbatim", $command_string, 2)[1]; @arguments = split /\s+/, $rest if $rest; my $action = $commands{$owner}{$command}; return $action->($irc, \&log_info, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, sub { push @$no_reenter, $owner; }, @arguments); } my $watchdog_alarm; # Handler for userhost response. We use userhost requests as a crude form # of backwards ping/keepalive sub irc_302 { my ($poek) = @_; # Cancel the watchdog fail timer $poek->delay_remove($watchdog_alarm) if $watchdog_alarm; log_info "Watchdog received pat"; } sub ping_fail { log_info "Error: heartbeat failed to pat watchdog. Exiting"; exit(1); } # Send a harmless client->server message as a form of heartbeat to allegedly # help POE realise when a connection is down. It seems not to realise a # connection has fallen over otherwise. sub custom_ping { my ($poek) = $_[KERNEL]; # Send a ping and schedule the next one $irc->yield(userhost => $irc->nick_name()); $poek->delay(custom_ping => $ping_delay); # Set a watchdog for twice the ping interval $watchdog_alarm = $poek->delay(ping_fail => 2 * $ping_delay); } sub drop_priv { setgid($config->{_}->{gid}) or die "Failed to setgid: $!\n"; setuid($config->{_}->{uid}) or die "Failed to setuid: $!\n"; } # Add a strike against a nick for module flood protection # This differs from antiflood.pm in that it is used only for when users have # triggered a response from the bot. sub strike_add { my $strike_count = 14; my $strike_period = 45; my ($who, $channel) = @_; my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; my $now = time(); push @{$laststrike{$who}}, $now; if (@{$laststrike{$who}} >= $strike_count) { @{$laststrike{$who}} = splice @{$laststrike{$who}}, 1, $strike_count - 1; my $first = @{$laststrike{$who}}[0]; if ($now - $first <= $strike_period) { log_info "Ignoring $who because of command flood"; $irc->yield(privmsg => $channel => "$nick: I'm ignoring you now, you've caused me to talk too much"); push @{$config->{_}->{ignore}}, $who; } } } sub should_ignore { my ($who) = @_; # Short circuit on non-user messages (undef is used for server msgs) return unless $who; for my $mask (@{$config->{_}->{ignore}}) { my $expr = $mask; $expr =~ s/([^[:alnum:]\*])/$1/g; $expr =~ s/\*/.*/g; if ($who =~ /^$expr$/) { return 1; } } return; } sub reconnect { my $reconnect_delay = 20; log_info("Reconnecting in $reconnect_delay seconds"); sleep($reconnect_delay); $irc->yield(connect => { }); } ################################################################################ # Plugin event handling helpers sub handle_common { my ($message_type, $who, $where, $what, $ided) = @_; my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; my $output; my @no_reenter = (); $what =~ s/\s+$//g; # Firstly, trigger commands my $stripped_what = strip_color(strip_formatting($what)); my $no_prefix_what = $stripped_what; my $current_nick = $irc->nick_name(); if (!should_ignore($who) && ($config->{_}->{prefix_nick} && $no_prefix_what =~ s/^\Q$current_nick\E[:,]\s+//g || ($config->{_}->{prefix} && $no_prefix_what =~ s/^\Q$config->{_}->{prefix}//))) { $output = run_command($no_prefix_what, $who, $where, $ided, \@no_reenter); $irc->yield(privmsg => $where => $output) if $output; strike_add($who, $channel) if $output; } # Secondly, trigger non-command handlers trigger_modules($message_type, $who, $where, \@no_reenter, ($who, $where, $what, $stripped_what)); return; } # Trigger applicable non-command-bound handlers in any active modules for # a given message type, passing them only the given arguments sub trigger_modules { my ($message_type, $who, $where, $no_reenter, @arguments) = @_; for my $handler (handlers_for($message_type, $who, $no_reenter)) { my @base_args = (\&log_info); push @base_args, @arguments; push @base_args, $irc; my $output = $handler->(@base_args); if ($output and $where) { $irc->yield(privmsg => $where => $output); strike_add($who, $where->[0]); } } return; } # Return a list of subs capable of handling the given message type for a nick # excluding those modules that have asked not to be reentered for this message sub handlers_for { my ($message_type, $who, $no_reenter) = @_; my @handlers = (); $message_type = "on_$message_type"; for my $module (@{$config->{_}->{active_plugins}}) { if (!(grep {$_ eq $module} @$no_reenter) and module_is_enabled($module)) { if (!should_ignore($who) and $module->can($message_type)) { # Leave message type unchanged } elsif ($module->can($message_type.$ignore_suffix)) { $message_type = $message_type.$ignore_suffix; } else { # No handler next; } push @handlers, sub { $module->$message_type(@_); }; } } return @handlers; } ############################################################################### # Begin internal/core handlers sub _start { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; my $irc = $heap->{irc}; $irc->yield(register => 'all'); $irc->yield(connect => { }); return; } sub irc_001 { my ($poek, $server, $message) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("001", undef, undef, \@empty, ($server, $message)); # FIXME move to forward ping module $poek->delay(custom_ping => $ping_delay); return; } sub irc_ctcp_action { my ($sender, $who, $where, $what) = @_[SENDER, ARG0 .. ARG2]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; handle_common("action", $who, $where, $what); return; } sub irc_public { my ($who, $where, $what, $ided) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG3]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; handle_common("message", $who, $where, $what, $ided); return; } sub irc_join { my ($who, $channel) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG1]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("join", $who, $channel, \@empty, ($who, $channel)); return; } sub irc_part { my ($who, $channel, $why) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG2]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; my @empty = (); my @where = ($channel); trigger_modules("part", $who, $channel, \@empty, ($who, $channel, $why)); return; } sub irc_kick { my ($kicker, $channel, $kickee, $reason) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG3]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("kick", $kicker, $channel, \@empty, ($kicker, $channel, $kickee, $reason)); return; } sub irc_nick { my ($who, $new_nick) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG1]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("nick", $who, undef, \@empty, ($who, $new_nick)); return; } sub irc_invite { my ($who, $where) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG1]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("invite", $who, undef, \@empty, ($who, $where)); return; } # FIXME these need implementing even if just for logging: # irc_registered # irc_shutdown # irc_connected # irc_ctcp_* # irc_ctcpreply_* # irc_disconnected # irc_error # irc_mode # irc_notice # irc_quit # irc_socketerr # irc_whois # irc_whowas sub irc_topic { my ($who, $where, $topic) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG2]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("topic", $who, undef, \@empty, ($who, $where, $topic)); return; } sub irc_ping { my $server = $_[ARG0]; my @empty = (); trigger_modules("ping", undef, undef, \@empty, ($server)); return; } sub irc_msg { my ($who, $to, $what, $ided) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG3]; my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; # FIXME trigger plugins with on_msg or something. Currently no privmsg # are logged, but Log.pm can do this for us. my $stripped_what = strip_color(strip_formatting($what)); my $output = run_command($stripped_what, $who, $nick, $ided); $irc->yield(privmsg => $nick => $output) if $output; return; } ############################################################################### sub irc_disconnected { _default(@_); # Dump the message my $reconnect_delay = 20; $config = IdaliusConfig::parse_config($config_file); load_configure_all_plugins(); reconnect(); } sub irc_error { _default(@_); # Dump the message reconnect(); } sub irc_socketerr { _default(@_); # Dump the message reconnect(); } sub irc_delay_set { # nop, silence this } sub irc_delay_removed { # nop, silence this } sub _default { my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_]; # exit early unless in debug mode return unless $config->{_}->{log_debug}; my @output = ( "$event: " ); for my $arg (@$args) { if ( ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' ) { push( @output, '[' . join(', ', @$arg ) . ']' ); } else { push ( @output, "'$arg'" ); } } log_info(join ' ', @output); return; }