#!/usr/bin/env perl package config_file; use strict; use warnings; use Config::Tiny; sub parse_config { my @scalar_configs = ( 'nick', 'username', 'ircname', 'server', 'port', 'usessl', 'password', 'must_id', 'quit_msg', 'user', 'group', 'url_on', 'url_len', 'antiflood_on'); my @list_configs = ( 'channels', 'ignore', 'admins'); my @optional_configs = ( 'password'); my $file = $_[0]; my %built_config; my $config = Config::Tiny->read($file); # FIXME catch undefined/missing config options foreach my $option (@scalar_configs) { my $value = $config->{_}->{$option}; if (! defined $value && ! grep {$_ eq $option} @optional_configs) { die "Option \"$option\" must be set in $file\n"; } $built_config{$option} = $config->{_}->{$option}; } foreach my $option (@list_configs) { my $vals = $config->{_}->{$option}; $vals =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; @built_config{$option} = [split /\s*,\s*/, $vals]; } # special case: triggers hash my %triggers; foreach (split ',', $config->{_}->{triggers}) { my ($match, $response) = split /=>/; # strip outer quotes $match =~ s/^[^']*'|'[^']*$//g; $response =~ s/^[^']*'|'[^']*$//g; $triggers{$match} = $response; } # special case: timezones hash my %timezone; foreach (split ',', $config->{_}->{timezone}) { my ($who, $tz) = split /=>/; # strip outer quotes $who =~ s/^[^']*'|'[^']*$//g; $tz =~ s/^[^']*'|'[^']*$//g; $timezone{$who} = $tz; } $built_config{uid} = getpwnam($built_config{user}) or die "Cannot get uid of $built_config{user}: $!\n"; $built_config{gid} = getgrnam($built_config{group}) or die "Cannot get gid of $built_config{group}: $!\n"; $built_config{triggers} = \%triggers; $built_config{timezone} = \%timezone; return %built_config; } 1;