# idalius idalius is a novelty IRC bot who counts user-set trigger words in IRC channel messages and constructs a reply of user-set replies for each instance of a trigger word in a message. It's hard to word it nicely, so here's an example. ## Example: Under the default configuration, idalius will trigger on 'sax', 'trumpet' and 'snake', replying with '🎷', '🎺' and '🐍' respectively. Take a look at this IRC log: sax 🎷 sax snake 🎷 🐍 saxaphone woosaxsnakeSAXalright trumpetTRUMPET 🎷 🎷 🐍 🎷 🎺 🎺 Simple eh. ## Admin commands idalius also supports some basic administration commands. These should be sent in a private message to the bot by someone with a hostmask configured to be an administrator's hostmask. At the moment these commands comprise: ### Nick change nick fooeybot Attempt to change the bot's IRC nick name to fooeybot. ### Part/leave from channels part #channel part #channel some part message part #channel #anotherone part #channel #anotherone witty part message here Leave/part from one or more channels, giving an optional part message. This part message will be used for the parts sent to each channel specified. ### Join channels join #channel join #channel #someotherchannel #omganotherchannel #holymoly Join one or more channels ### Say something to a channel or person say nick I'm here for you, Jack say #channel Hey hi hello howdy Tell a person or a channel something, perferably something useful. Useful for puppeting if you are not on a channel, or you could talk to yourself through an idalius bot if you get lonely. Additionally, it might be useful for your idalius to contact services like nickserv, memoserv, chanserv etc. ### Perform a CTCP action to a channel or person action nick slaps you with a fish action #channel stares down everyone in the room Not really useful apart from having a laugh in a channel. Really not sure why I added this except for a lame gag or two. Worth it. ### Kick someone from a channel kick #channel badPerson kick #channel badPerson You've been very naughty! Kicks badPerson from #channel, and optionally takes your specified kick reason to relay with the kick. If you do not specify a kick reason, then idalius will use a default message "Requested by ". ### Reconnect reconnect reconnect witty message Code isn't bug-free, and idalius is far from it. If you manage to break your idalius beyond repair, you might want to look at asking it remotely to disconnect from the IRC server and connect back to it again to start from a clean slate. Your idalius will ask the IRC server to use a witty quit message if you specify one, otherwise it will fall back on the default quit message specified in the config file (quit_msg)