package Plugin::URL_Title;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::Entities;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw/gunzip/;
# For optional debug page dumping
use IO::Compress::Gzip qw/gzip/;
use MIME::Base64 qw/encode_base64/;
use IdaliusConfig qw/assert_scalar/;
my $config;
sub configure {
my $self = shift;
my $cmdref = shift;
shift; # run_command
$config = shift;
IdaliusConfig::assert_scalar($config, $self, "url_len");
die "url_len must be positive" if $config->{url_len} <= 0;
# debug_dump is an optional parameter to dump base64(gzip(page_data)) into
# the log - defaults to disabled and not checked here
$cmdref->($self, "title of", sub { $self->get_title_cmd(@_); });
return $self;
# Globals set by HTML parser, used by get_title
my $title;
my $charset;
my $content_type; # Content-Type header, picked from HTTP or http-equiv
sub start_handler
my $tag = shift;
my $attr = shift;
my $self = shift;
if ($tag eq "title") {
# Note: NOT dtext. leave entities until after decoding text. See comment below
$self->handler(text => sub { $title = shift; }, "text");
$self->handler(end => sub { shift->eof if shift eq "title"; },
} elsif ($tag eq "meta") {
if ($attr->{charset}) {
$charset = $attr->{charset};
} elsif ( $attr->{"http-equiv"}
&& lc($attr->{"http-equiv"}) eq "content-type"
&& $attr->{content}) {
$content_type = $attr->{"content"};
sub get_title
my ($logger, $what) = @_;
my $url;
# Drawn from RFC 3986§2
if ($what =~ /(https?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-\._~:\/\?#\[\]@\!\$&'()\*\+,;=%]+)/i) {
$url = $1;
return (undef, "No URL found in that string", undef) unless $url;
# FIXME add more XML-based formats that we can theoretically extract titles from
# FIXME factor out accepted formats and response match into accepted formats array
my %headers = (
"Range" => "bytes=0-65536",
"Accept" => "text/html, image/svg+xml",
"Acceot-Encoding" => "gzip"
my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new((default_headers => \%headers, timeout => 3, agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; idalius IRC bot)'));
my $response = $http->get($url);
if (!$response->{success}) {
if ($response->{status} == 599) {
chomp $response->{content};
return (undef, undef, "Error: HTTP client: $response->{content}");
} else {
return (undef, undef, "Error: HTTP $response->{status} ($response->{reason})");
if (not $response->{headers}->{"content-type"}) {
return (undef, undef, "No content-type in reponse header, not continuing");
if (!($response->{headers}->{"content-type"} =~ m,(text/html|image/svg\+xml),)) {
return (undef, undef, "I don't think I can parse titles from $response->{headers}->{'content-type'} - stopping here");
my $html = $response->{content};
if ($response->{headers}->{"content-encoding"} &&
$response->{headers}->{"content-encoding"} == "gzip") {
my $new_html;
gunzip \$html => \$new_html or return (undef, undef, "Error: gzip decompression failed: $!");
$html = $new_html;
if ($config->{debug_dump}) {
my $zipped;
if (gzip \$html => \$zipped) {
my $encoded = encode_base64($zipped, "");
$logger->("debug_dump for $url: $encoded");
} else {
$logger->("debug_dump gzip error: $!");
$charset = undef;
$content_type = undef;
$title = undef;
my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
$p->handler( start => \&start_handler, "tagname,attr,self" );
return (undef, undef, "Error parsing HTML: $!") if $!;
# Pick out charset from the following in order of precedence:
# 1. (stored in $charset already, if present)
# 2.
# 3. Content-Type HTTP header
# 4. Default to "utf8"
if (!$charset) {
$content_type //= $response->{headers}->{"content-type"};
if ($content_type =~ m/;\s*charset=(\S+)/) {
$charset = $1;
} else {
$charset = "utf8";
# Decode raw bytes from document's title
my $dc = Encode::find_encoding($charset);
return (undef, undef, "Error: Unknown encoding $charset") unless $dc;
$title = $dc->decode($title);
# Finally, collapse entities into the characters they represent. Note this
# must be done instead of pulling dtext from the HTML parser, else you can
# end up with a bad mix of encodings (see documents with wchars mixed with
# entities representing more wchars in titles)
# Normalise and trim whitespace for tidiness
$title =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$title =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
return (undef, undef, "Error: No title") unless $title;
my $shorturl = $url;
# remove http(s):// to avoid triggering other poorly configured bots
$shorturl =~ s,^https?://,,g;
$shorturl =~ s,/$,,g;
# truncate URL without http(s):// to configured length if needed
$shorturl = (substr $shorturl, 0, $config->{url_len}) . "…" if length ($shorturl) > $config->{url_len};
my $composed_title = "$title ($shorturl)";
return $composed_title;
sub get_title_cmd
my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, $no_reenter, @arguments) = @_;
my ($title, $warning, $error) = get_title($logger, $rest);
$logger->($error) if $error;
return $error if $error;
return $warning if $warning;
return $title if $title;
sub on_message
my ($self, $logger, $who, $where, $raw_what, $what, $irc) = @_;
my ($title, $warning, $error) = get_title($logger, $what);
# Log only errors, not warnings
$logger->($error) if $error;
return $title if $title;
sub on_action {