package Plugin::Map; use strict; use warnings; my %config; my $run_command; sub configure { my $self = shift; my $cmdref = shift; my $cref = shift; %config = %$cref; $run_command = shift; $cmdref->("map", sub { $self->map(@_); } ); return $self; } sub parse_list { my ($input) = @_; my @res; my $i = 0; # Index of the start of the current item my $item_i = 0; # Level of nested lists, 1 being the minimum my $nest = 1; # Are we currently lexing inside a string literal? my $is_string = 0; return ("Error: expected [", undef) unless substr($input, $i, 1) eq "["; $i++; $item_i = $i; while ($nest != 0 && $i < length($input)) { my $c = substr($input, $i, 1); if ($c eq "[") { $nest++; } elsif ($c eq "]") { $nest--; } if ($c eq "," || ($nest == 0 and $c eq "]")) { my $item = substr($input, $item_i, $i - $item_i); $item =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; push @res, $item; $item_i = $i+1; } $i++; } return ("Error: expected ], got end of line", undef) unless $nest == 0; return (undef, @res); } sub map { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $rest, @arguments) = @_; my ($command, $subjects_raw) = ($rest =~ /^(.+?)\s+(.*)$/); return "Syntax: map command [item1, item2, ...]" unless $command and $subjects_raw; my ($e, @subjects) = parse_list($subjects_raw); if ($e) { print "It's error"; } $logger->("Error: $e"); return $e if $e; my @results = map { $run_command->("$command $_", $who, $where) } @subjects; return "[" . (join ", ", @results). "]"; } 1;