package Plugin::Admin; use strict; use warnings; use IdaliusConfig qw/assert_scalar assert_list/; use Plugin qw/load_plugin unload_plugin/; my $config; my $root_config; sub configure { my $self = shift; my $cmdref = shift; shift; # run_command $config = shift; $root_config = shift; IdaliusConfig::assert_list($config, $self, "admins"); IdaliusConfig::assert_scalar($config, $self, "must_id"); IdaliusConfig::assert_scalar($config, $self, "quit_msg"); $cmdref->($self, "say", sub { $self->say(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "action", sub { $self->do_action(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "nick", sub { $self->nick(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "join", sub { $self->join_channel(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "part", sub { $self->part(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "mode", sub { $self->mode(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "kick", sub { $self->kick(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "topic", sub { $self->topic(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "reconnect", sub { $self->reconnect(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "ignore", sub { $self->ignore(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "don't ignore", sub { $self->do_not_ignore(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "who are you ignoring?", sub { $self->dump_ignore(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "exit", sub { $self->exit(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "plugins", sub { $self->dump_plugins(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "load", sub { $self->load_plugin(@_); } ); $cmdref->($self, "unload", sub { $self->unload_plugin(@_); } ); return $self; } sub is_channel { return $_[0] =~ m/^#+/; } sub is_admin { my ($logger, $who, $ided) = @_; if ($config->{must_id} and not $ided) { $logger->("$who hasn't identified, but tried to use a command"); return 0; } my $is_admin = grep {$_ eq $who} @{$config->{admins}}; if (!$is_admin) { $logger->("$who isn't an admin, but tried to use a command"); } return $is_admin; } sub nick { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: nick " unless @arguments == 1; $irc->yield(nick => $arguments[0]); } sub say { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: say " unless @arguments >= 2; # Strip nick/channel from message $rest =~ s/^(.*?\s)//; $irc->yield(privmsg => $arguments[0] => $rest); } sub do_action { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: action " unless @arguments >= 2; # Strip nick/channel from message $rest =~ s/^(.*?\s)//; $irc->yield(ctcp => $arguments[0] => "ACTION $rest"); } sub join_channel { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: join [channel2 ...]" unless @arguments >= 1; $irc->yield(join => $_) for @arguments; } sub part { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: part [channel2 ...] [partmsg]" unless is_channel($where->[0]) or (@arguments >= 1 and is_channel($arguments[0])); if ((@arguments == 0 and is_channel($where->[0])) or @arguments >= 1 and not is_channel($arguments[0])) { $rest = "$where->[0] $rest"; } my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; my ($chan_str, $reason) = split /\s+(?!#)/, $rest, 2; my @channels = split /\s+/, $chan_str; $reason = "Commanded by $nick" unless $reason; $irc->yield(part => @channels => $reason); } sub mode { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: mode " unless @arguments > 0; if (not is_channel($arguments[0] and is_channel($where->[0]))) { $rest = "$where->[0] $rest"; } $irc->yield(mode => $rest); } sub kick { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: kick [reason]" unless @arguments >= 2 and is_channel($arguments[0]) or @arguments >= 1 and is_channel($where->[0]); if (is_channel($where->[0]) and not is_channel($arguments[0])) { $rest = "$where->[0] $rest"; } my ($channel, $kickee, undef, $reason) = $rest =~ /^(\S+)\s(\S+)((?:\s)(.*))?$/; if ($channel and $kickee) { my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; $reason = "Requested by $nick" unless $reason; $irc->yield(kick => $channel => $kickee => $reason); } } sub topic { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: topic " unless @arguments >= 2; # Strip nick/channel from message $rest =~ s/^(.*?\s)//; # FIXME use $where if it's a channel $irc->yield(topic => $arguments[0] => $rest); } sub reconnect { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); my $reason = $rest; $reason = $config->{quit_msg} unless $reason; $irc->yield(quit => $reason); } sub ignore { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: ignore " unless @arguments == 1; push @{$config->{ignore}}, $arguments[0]; return "Ignoring $arguments[0]"; } sub do_not_ignore { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: don't ignore " unless @arguments == 1; my $target = $arguments[0]; if (grep { $_ eq $target} @{$config->{ignore}}) { @{$config->{ignore}} = grep { $_ ne $target } @{$config->{ignore}}; return "No longer ignoring $target."; } else { return "I wasn't ignoring $target anyway."; } } sub dump_ignore { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return "Syntax: who are you ignoring?" unless @arguments == 0; # FIXME special case for empty ignore return "I am ignoring: " . join ", ", @{$config->{ignore}}; } sub exit { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: exit" unless @arguments == 0; exit; } sub dump_plugins { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return "Active plugins: " . join ", ", @{$root_config->{active_plugins}}; } sub unload_plugin { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: unload " unless @arguments == 1; my $module = $arguments[0]; my $error = Plugin::unload_plugin($logger, $root_config, $module); return $error if $error; return "$module unloaded"; } sub load_plugin { my ($self, $irc, $logger, $who, $where, $ided, $rest, @arguments) = @_; return unless is_admin($logger, $who, $ided); return "Syntax: load " unless @arguments == 1; my $module = $arguments[0]; my $error = Plugin::load_plugin($logger, $root_config, $module); return $error if $error; return "$module loaded"; } 1;