package IdaliusConfig; use strict; use warnings; use Config::Tiny; use ListParser; sub config_describe { my ($plugin, $parm) = @_; # Plugin "_" is the root config return $parm unless $plugin ne "_"; return "$plugin -> $parm"; } sub assert_common { my ($config, $plugin, $parm, $human_type, $ref_type) = @_; my $ref = $config->{$parm}; my $name = config_describe($plugin, $parm); die "Error: Configuration \"$name\" must be of type $human_type" unless defined $ref and ref($ref) eq $ref_type; } sub assert_scalar { my ($config, $plugin, $parm) = @_; assert_common($config, $plugin, $parm, "scalar", ""); } sub assert_list { my ($config, $plugin, $parm) = @_; assert_common($config, $plugin, $parm, "list", "ARRAY"); } sub assert_dict { my ($config, $plugin, $parm) = @_; assert_common($config, $plugin, $parm, "dictionary", "HASH"); } # Check presence and/or sanity of config parameters for the bot's core # I.e. it is up to each module to ensure its own config is there and sane, # normally in sub configure. sub check_config { my ($config) = @_; # Lists of mandatory config variables my @scalars = qw/nick username ircname server port usessl sslcert sslkey user group prefix_nick prefix/; my @lists = qw/plugins channels ignore/; foreach my $name (@scalars) { assert_scalar($config->{_}, "_", $name); } foreach my $name (@lists) { assert_list($config->{_}, "_", $name); } # Special case: password is optional scalar if (defined $config->{_}->{password}) { assert_scalar($config->{_}, "_", "password"); } } sub parse_config { my $file = $_[0]; my %built_config; my $config = Config::Tiny->read($file); foreach my $section (keys %{$config}) { foreach my $opt (keys %{$config->{$section}}) { # Detect list or hash config option my $c = substr $config->{$section}->{$opt}, 0, 1; if ($c eq "[") { my ($error, @listified) = ListParser::parse_list($config->{$section}->{$opt}, 0); die $error if $error; $config->{$section}->{$opt} = \@listified; } elsif ($c eq "{") { my ($error, %hashified) = ListParser::parse_list($config->{$section}->{$opt}, 1); die $error if $error; $config->{$section}->{$opt} = \%hashified; } } } # my ($error, @tmp) = ListParser::parse_list($config->{_}->{plugins}); # $config->{_}->{plugins} = \@tmp; # Special case $config->{_}->{uid} = getpwnam($config->{_}->{user}) or die "Cannot get uid of $config->{_}->{user}: $!\n"; $config->{_}->{gid} = getgrnam($config->{_}->{group}) or die "Cannot get gid of $config->{_}->{group}: $!\n"; check_config($config); return $config; } 1;