#!/bin/sh OUT_DIR="samples" mkdir -p $OUT_DIR make_sample () { # Configure the generator echo unsigned int SIZE=$1\;unsigned int ITERATIONS=$2\;float POWER=$3\; > config.c make config # Generate raw data ./mbrot-gen > $OUT_DIR/$1-$2-$3pow.raw # Make normal colour image ./raw-to-png $OUT_DIR/$1-$2-$3pow.raw $1 $1 mv 0,0.png $OUT_DIR/$1-$2.png # Make (hypnotic) bw image to show boundaries clearly ./raw-to-png-bw $OUT_DIR/$1-$2-$3pow.raw $1 $1 mv 0,0.png $OUT_DIR/$1-$2-$3-pow-bw.png rm $OUT_DIR/$1-$2-$3pow.raw } for it in 10 50 100; do for res in 35 70 140 280 560 1120 2240; do make_sample $res $it 2 done done