CUE/BIN Splitter ================ This is a tiny tool I wrote to take a slightly processed CUE file, a raw PCM file, and split it up into a collection of raw PCM files (one for each track). This tool takes a list of times (mm:ss:ff) from stdin and (blindly) outputs files named track_nnnn, **It will overwrite any existing file with the same name** Warning ------- Try running `grep -i FIXME *.c` **This will overwrite any existing file with the same name as an output file** Sample Usage ------------ Assuming you want to use the first indices of each track as a boundary, grep "INDEX 01" cue-file | \ sed -e 's/INDEX 01//g' | \ cue-bin-split raw-file channels samples-rate bytes-per-sample will output a bunch of files track_0001 through track_nnnn. You might then push them through ffmpeg or something to get them to another format.