# CUE/BIN Splitter This is a tiny tool I wrote to take a slightly processed CUE file, a raw PCM file, and split it up into a collection of raw PCM files (one for each track). The code style is mostly in the styles of "hacked together" and "let's put everything in main and sort it out later once I get it working". Since it's not an absolute showstopper, I'm working on changing this when I get the free time here and there. This tool takes a list of times (mm:ss:ff) from stdin and (blindly) outputs files named track_nnnn. **It will overwrite any existing file with the same name** ## Usage Options: -r bitrate_Hz -c channel_count -i input_file -s size of a single channel's sample (bytes) -n output file name (prepended with track number) ## Sample Usage Assuming you want to use the first indices of each track as a boundary and were chopping up a 44100 Hz, two channel, 16 bit audio stream, grep "INDEX 01" audio.cue | \ sed -e 's/INDEX 01//g' | \ cue-bin-split -i audio.bin -c 2 -r 44100 -s 2 -f -track.raw Would output each track named as `001-track.raw`, `002-track.raw` and so on. You might then push them through ffmpeg, lame, and/or friends to get them to another audio format such as flac or mp3. Or if you're feeling high on disc space, just prepend a WAV header to the PCM data.