#pragma once /* Linker-generated lists derived from U-Boot source `include/linker_lists.h` * with minor modification to store function pointers */ #define list_head(entry_type, list_name) \ ({ static char head[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(4), unused, section(".test_runner_list_2_"#list_name"_1")));(entry_type*)&head; }) #define list_tail(entry_type, list_name) \ ({ static char tail[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(4), unused, section(".test_runner_list_2_"#list_name"_3")));(entry_type*)&tail; }) #define list_entry_count(entry_type, list_name) \ ({ \ entry_type* head = list_head(entry_type, list_name); \ entry_type* tail = list_tail(entry_type, list_name); \ (size_t)(tail - head); \ }) #define list_entry(entry_type, list_name, entry_name) \ entry_type _test_runner_list_2_##list_name_2_##entry_name __attribute__((__aligned__(4), unused, section(".test_runner_list_2_"#list_name"_2_"#entry_name))) #define RUNNER_DECLARE_TEST(test_name) \ void test_name(void);\ list_entry(struct test_fn, test_list, test_name) = { .name = #test_name, .file = __FILE__, .line = __LINE__, .fn = test_name}; \ void test_name(void) struct test_fn { const char *name; const char *file; int line; void (*fn)(); };